African Grey Parrot Cage Size: Complete Guide

African Grays require a roomy cage to move and exercise. 

A cage that is too small can lead to several physical and behavioral problems, including:

  • Physical problems: A lack of space can lead to obesity, muscle atrophy, and bone problems. African grey parrots need to be able to spread their wings and fly short distances in their cages. They also need to be able to climb and perch at different heights.
  • Behavioral problems: A small cage can also lead to behavioral problems, such as aggression, boredom, and feather plucking. African grey parrots are intelligent birds that need mental stimulation. A cage that is too small can make it difficult to engage in activities they enjoy, such as foraging and playing with toys.

But what is the ideal African Grey parrot cage size? And how to choose the right one for your parrot(s)?

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll answer these questions and help you find the right one for your birdie.

What Is the Best Cage Size for an African Grey Parrot?

While African Greys may not be large pet birds, they’re not necessarily small parrots. So, they still require a spacious cage for their activities and comfort.

There isn’t a specific rule when selecting the cage size for your African Grey, but the bare minimum should be:

  • In length – 35 to 40 inches/89 to 102 cm
  • In width – 20 to 30 inches/51 to 76 cm
  • In height – 45 to 50 inches/114 to 127 cm

Remember: You should always consider the number of your parrots and choose the size accordingly. If you have more than one African Grey, opt for an even larger cage.

The Importance of a Cage and Its Dimensions

african gray cage

Selecting the right cage size for your African Grey is one of the most important ways to care for them. While you may teach your birdie to spend time outside of their cage, it’s still supposed to be their personal ‘’home’’ to sleep, hide in, or engage in foraging behavior.

Your birdie should feel comfortable and safe in their cage – not trapped and anxious. So think of it as their home and not the actual cage.

An African grey parrot’s cage serves as its primary habitat, and its dimensions significantly impact the bird’s comfort, health, and overall well-being – all improving the lifespan of an African Grey parrot. A cage that’s too small can cause several problems, including:

  • Restricted movement: A cramped cage limits the parrot’s ability to spread its wings and engage in natural behaviors like adequately climbing, foraging, and moving around. This can lead to physical discomfort, muscle atrophy, and behavioral problems like feather plucking.
  • Psychological stress: Insufficient space can cause psychological stress, anxiety, and even depression in most birds. This can lead to problems, lethargy, and negative behavior, such as aggression and excessive noise.
  • Injury risk: A crowded cage increases the chance of accidents and injuries, as the parrot may bump into cage bars or other objects.

How to Choose the Right Cage for Your African Grey Parrot?

To choose the right cage and ensure the right cage size for your African Grey, you should consider the following factors: 

Bar Spacing

The spacing between the cage bars is mandatory in ensuring your African Grey’s safety and well-being.

The recommended bar spacing for African Greys falls from ¾ to one inch. This range provides enough closure to prevent them from leaving the cage when unsupervised while still allowing them to engage in climbing and hopping – activities that promote exercise and mental stimulation.

On the other hand, bars spaced too close together could hinder your parrot’s ability to climb, limiting their physical movement.

Bars Positioning: Horizontal or Vertical?

Bird cages have horizontally or vertically positioned bars, both offering different benefits. But which one is better for your African Grey? 

Although each bird has its preferences, the choice between vertical and horizontal bars should depend on your parrot’s activity level.

For example, vertical bars present an easier way of climbing and provide a more natural environment for your parrot. This can be great for African Greys, who like moving around often.

On the other hand, horizontal bars offer practical attachment points for feeders, perches, and toys. Making the cage a more convenient place for parrots who are more relaxed and prefer to spend time relaxing, enjoying their snacks, or interacting with their toys instead of hopping and climbing around.

Even though they may not be the most active parrots, African Greys are quite playful. But considering that parrots tend to be less active as they age,  you should consider your parrot’s age before deciding which bar spacing you want.

If your African Grey is young, they’ll mostly prefer vertical bar placement so they can be active enough. If you have a senior parrot who’s less active, horizontal bars may be a more suitable option.

Cage Material

African Greys have powerful beaks, making cage material a critical factor to consider, as they could easily damage it. This is why you should avoid cages made from plastic or wood, as your parrot can easily chew through these materials.

Instead, opt for cages containing high-quality materials such as stainless steel, galvanized steel, or powder-coated wire. Here are the reasons why you should look for cages made of these materials:

  • These materials are significantly more durable, so the cage made of these materials can last a long time
  • They’re corrosion-resistant
  • The cage made of these materials is heavier, making it difficult to knock it down

The Shape of Cage

Experienced African Grey owners typically recommend square or rectangular cages. And here’s why:

These shapes provide ample space for your parrot to move around and stretch its wings.

Rectangular cages offer a longer horizontal space, providing plenty of room for your parrots to climb, hop, and fly around short distances depending on the cage’s size. 

While slightly more compact, square cages ensure your parrot can comfortably navigate its environment.

On the other hand, round or dome-shaped cages restrict valuable space. The curved walls may look appealing but they limit the parrot’s movement and reduce their orientation.

Also, African Greys usually have long tails. Tails can hit the cage walls in a circular enclosure, causing potential discomfort or injury.

Generally, any curved design makes it challenging to install toys and perches securely and restrains the movement of your birdies – unless you build a house-sized cage in this shape. 🤓

Door Size

Door size is another important factor when choosing a birdcage for your African Grey parrot. African Greys are known for their cleverness, and a spacious door allows for easier training, socialization, and interaction. Larger door openings make it simpler for your parrot to move in and out comfortably, reducing the chance of hurting themselves.

Also, in case of emergencies or routine maintenance, a generously sized door offers easy access for cleaning and providing food and water. This accessibility is important for the bird’s well-being and your convenience as a caregiver.

Ease of Cleaning/Maintenance

When choosing the right cage, the cleanliness of your African Grey parrot’s living space is critical for their health. Opt for a cage design that simplifies the cleaning process. Look for models with removable trays and grates, as these make accessing and cleaning every area of the cage easier.

Loads of waste and leftover food can become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria – and we don’t want that. By choosing a cage that allows you to clean thoroughly and efficiently, you’re proactively safeguarding your African Grey from potential health issues.

Accessibility for Accessories

Besides being a shelter, a birdcage should also have enough room for accessories your African Grey parrot needs. Consider the space for important items like perches, bird toys, food, and water bowls.

And by choosing a spacious cage, you won’t have any problems fitting these valuable items inside. Just make sure not to swap the positions of objects around too often. Otherwise, it may become difficult for your parrot(s) to get used to the placements, making it hard to navigate around.

Making the Cage More Comfortable for Your African Grey Parrot

african gray cage

To transform your African Grey’s cage into a stimulating and cozy habitat, you should provide the following accessories:

  • Perches: Perches are among the most important items to keep your African Grey healthy. Look for ones with different diameters to help your parrots exercise different muscles in their feet. Opt for natural wood perches that mimic their wild environment since these promote a comfortable grip and prevent foot problems.

Note that bird perches come in different kinds of types. But the most common ones are ropes, wood, and platform-based perches.

If you don’t have any yet, feel free to check out any of these high-quality ones:

  • Toys: Bird toys are also important accessories for encouraging mental and physical stimulation and preventing boredom.

African Greys are intelligent birds, so offer a mix of puzzles, shreddable toys, and items that make noise. These can significantly improve their problem-solving skills and help with stress management.

Here are some quality bird toys to surprise your African Grey parrot:

  • Food and Water Bowls/Cups: Stainless steel bowls are ideal for food and water, ensuring durability, easy cleaning, and a lower chance of bacterial contamination.

Most parrots don’t spend much time on the floor, so place the bowls/cups at a comfortable height, allowing your parrot easy access – but avoid placing it in the highest area.

For example, you can check out bowls like these: MotBach 3 Pieces Stainless Steel Bird Feeding Dish Cups

  • Swings: Swings are another great example of how to keep your African Grey active and healthy. Parrots enjoy the swinging motion and it helps them develop coordination and balance.

If you don’t have any swings yet, be sure to check some of these:

Pro tip: Before introducing the swing to your birdie, ensure it’s securely attached and placed where it won’t wobble and disrupt your parrot’s movement to keep them safe.

  • Use ventilation and heating in the room: To ensure your birdie stays comfortable, consider using a ventilation fan or AC during hot days and keeping the room warm enough during cold ones.

The ideal temperature for African Greys is from 70°F to 80°F/21°C to 26.7°C – so try to keep it that way.

Where Should You Place Your African Grey Parrot Cage?

While choosing the right type and size of cage for your African Grey parrot is mandatory, choosing a nice location to place it is also important.

Here are a few factors to consider when finding the sweet spot for your African Grey’s cage:

  • Find a place indoors: You should place the African Grey parrot’s cage indoors, especially if you live in a region with lower temperatures during chilly seasons. While spending time outdoors is important for your parrot, keeping them inside is much safer under your supervision.

This will protect them from potential predators, and you can spend more time bonding with them in your home. 

  • Be sure to position the cage in a quiet spot where your feathered friend can observe household activities but isn’t disturbed by excessive noise until they become comfortable enough.
  • Avoid placing your African Grey parrot’s cage near the kitchen, as cooking fumes can hurt their respiratory system. Also, ensure the cage isn’t too close to air vents or radiators to prevent sudden temperature changes, since parrots are quite sensitive pets.

Pro tip: The best option would be to have a separate room, dedicated to the needs of your African Grey parrot, allowing you to provide them with the ideal environment.

  • Consider an interactive space: African Greys thrive on human companionship, and being in the midst of family activities is good for their mental health and makes them happy. But note that some parrots get comfortable with household noises and our behavior quicker than others. 

Once your African Grey becomes comfortable enough, you can move the cage to a room where your family often gathers, providing more opportunities for social interactions.

  • Keep it away from windows and doors: Avoid positioning your African Grey parrot’s cage near windows or doors to protect them from the draft. Also, windows can pose a risk due to direct sunlight exposure, leading to overheating and discomfort.

We often open and close doors and windows, which can startle our parrots and make them stressed out. This can also lead to unwanted temperature changes. So, keep the cage away from windows and doors.

Cage examples

If your local stores don’t carry African Gray cages, you can find some of the best cages on Amazon.
Here are a few examples.