What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat: 15 Healthiest Veggies For Dogs

Vegetables are not just a staple in our diets; they can also play a crucial role in enhancing the well-being of our beloved canine companions. 

You’re in the right place if you’ve ever wondered, “What vegetables can dogs eat?” or “Which veggies do dogs love the most?”.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unveil the 15 healthiest vegetables for dogs, shedding light on their incredible benefits to your furry friend. From improving dental health and supporting joint function to boosting energy levels and aiding digestion, these vibrant vegetables can be a game-changer for your dog’s overall health.

To make things even easier for you, we’ve crafted an easy-to-follow table with benefits for each vegetable and recommended daily portions based on your dog’s size. 

Plus, we’ve addressed common questions about vegetables and dogs, ensuring you have all the information you need to keep your pup happy and healthy. 

So, let’s embark on this journey to discover the nutritious world of vegetables for dogs!

What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat

Vegetables dogs can eatBenefits
CarrotsDental Health
Vision support
Digestive aid
Sweet PotatoesEasy to digest
Immunity boost
Energy source
Cancer prevention
Green BeansWeight management
Antioxidant boost
PeasJoint health
Muscle support
Rich in fiber
SpinachHeart health
Healthier skin and fur
Low calories
Fresh breath
ZucchiniWeight management
Vitamin B6
Good source of antioxidants
CeleryOral health
Blood pressure regulation
Diuretic effect
Bell PeppersVitamin C boost
Eye health
Healthier skin
PumpkinDigestive aid
Low calories, but nutritious
CauliflowerCancer prevention
Digestive support
Healthy cells
CabbageDigestive health
Low calories – high nutrition
Vitamin K
Brussels SproutsAntioxidants source
Aids in digestion
Low calories
Healthier joints and bones
Liver support

These are some of the best garden vegetables safe for dogs and provide the most health benefits. But keep in mind that your pup has a different digestive system, so you should always feed them in moderation.

Note: You can also screenshot or bookmark this table for your convenience.

Benefits of Carrots for Dogs

Dental health: Chomping on carrots can help clean your dog’s teeth and reduce plaque buildup, keeping their pearly whites in tip-top shape.

Vision support: Carrots are packed with beta-carotene, a nutrient (substance) that helps build a barrier for the mucous membrane, leading to better eyesight and overall eye health.

Digestive aid: The fiber in carrots aids in digestion, helping to prevent constipation and regulate bowel movements.

How Many Carrots Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of carrots
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)One to three slices
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Three to five slices
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Five to seven slices
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A handful of carrot slices
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A bit more than a handful of carrot slices

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Dogs

Easy to digest: Sweet potatoes are gentle on the tummy and provide a good dose of dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion.

Immunity boost: They are rich in vitamins A and C, which strengthen your dog’s immune system, making them more resilient to illness.

Energy source: The complex carbohydrates in sweet potatoes provide a steady energy source, ideal for active dogs.

How Much Sweet Potatoes Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of sweet potato
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)One teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)A teaspoon or two
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Two to three teaspoons
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A tablespoon or two
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)Not more than four to five tablespoons

Benefits of Broccoli for Dogs

Nutrient-rich: Broccoli is loaded with vitamins, including K and C, and minerals like potassium. These nutrients support overall health.

Cancer prevention: Compounds in broccoli have been linked to cancer prevention in both humans and dogs, making it a superfood for your pup.

Detoxification: The fiber in broccoli aids in detoxifying your dog’s body and maintaining a healthy liver.

How Much Broccoli Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of broccoli
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)A few pieces (one to three pieces)
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Three to four pieces
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Five to six pieces
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A handful of pieces
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A bit more than a handful of pieces 

Benefits of Green Beans for Dogs

Weight management: Low in calories and high in fiber, green beans are a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet if they need to shed a few pounds.

Hydration: These veggies have a high water content, helping keep your pup well-hydrated and aiding in kidney function.

Antioxidant boost: Green beans contain antioxidants that combat free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

How Many Green Beans Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of green beans
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)One or two pieces
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Two to three pieces
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Five to six pieces
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A handful of pieces
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A large handful of pieces

Can I Give My Dog Green Beans Every Day?

Yes, you can. Fresh green beans are a tasty and safe treat for dogs. But you need to consider the amount and frequency since beans can cause excessive gas and constipation in dogs.

Pro tip: You can include green beans as an additional ingredient in your pup’s meals or mix with, for example, rice or sweet potato.

Benefits of Peas for Dogs

Joint health: Peas are a source of vitamin K, beneficial for maintaining healthy joints and preventing conditions like arthritis.

Muscle support: They provide a protein boost, aiding in muscle maintenance and overall strength.

Rich in fiber: The fiber in peas aids in digestion and can help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic dogs.

How Many Peas Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of peas
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)Not more than a teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Not more than two teaspoons
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Up to three teaspoons
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A tablespoon or two
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)Up to three tablespoons

How Many Sweet Peas Can I Give My Dog?

The answer is none. Sweet peas contain enough aminopropionitrile, an organic compound that dogs can’t process well and can make them seriously ill.

For example, even the smallest amount of sweet peas can cause weakness, lethargy, seizures, and even death in dogs (in most severe cases).

Benefits of Spinach for Dogs

Heart health: Spinach is packed with heart-healthy nutrients like folate and potassium, helping to maintain a strong cardiovascular system.

Healthier skin and fur: The vitamins in spinach contribute to a shiny, healthy coat and may reduce skin irritations.

Anti-inflammatory: It contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, beneficial for dogs with joint issues.

How Much Spinach Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of spinach
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)¼ of a teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Half a teaspoon
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)A teaspoon
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)Half a tablespoon
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A tablespoon

Can I Give My Dog Raw Spinach?

Yes, you can give your dog some raw spinach, but only in moderation. Spinach can be difficult for your pup to digest due to its extremely high fiber content.

Also, note that spinach is high in oxalic acid too. A high amount of oxalic acid can ruin your dog’s calcium absorption, causing kidney damage.

Benefits of Cucumber for Dogs

Hydration: With a water content of over 90%, cucumbers are excellent for keeping your dog hydrated, especially on hot days.

Low-calorie treat: Cucumbers are low in calories and fat, making them a great snack for your pup, especially if they have to watch their weight.

Fresh breath: Chewing on cucumber slices can help combat bad breath and promote better oral health.

How Many Cucumbers Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of cucumber
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)No more than two slices
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Three to four slices
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Five to six slices
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A handful of slices
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A large handful of slices

Is It Safe For Dogs to Eat Cucumber Skin?

Yes, as long as you use organic cucumber. Most of the nutrition and benefits are in the peel but non-organic cucumbers can carry pesticides on their skin, which isn’t safe for dogs.

But note that too much cucumber skin can be difficult for dogs to digest and could cause choking and digestion problems.

Benefits of Zucchini for Dogs

Weight management: Zucchini is low in calories and high in fiber, making it an ideal addition to a weight loss diet.

Vitamin B6: It contains vitamin B6, which supports brain health and helps regulate hormones.

Source of antioxidants: The antioxidants in zucchini can help reduce inflammation, beneficial for dogs with arthritis.

How Much Zucchini Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)A teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)One to two teaspoons
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Two to three teaspoons
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)One to two tablespoons
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)Three to four tablespoons

How Should I Prepare Zucchini For My Dog?

It is best to feed your dog organic zucchini free of pesticides. You can steam, roast, or boil zucchini to ease digestion.

Also, don’t forget to cut zucchini into small pieces to avoid choking hazards.

Benefits of Celery for Dogs

Oral health: Chewing celery can naturally clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath.

Blood pressure regulation: Celery contains a good amount of potassium, helping regulate blood pressure, a vital factor for a strong and healthy heart.

Diuretic effect: It has a mild diuretic effect, helping flush out toxins from the body.

How Much Celery Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)No more than two pieces(½-inch/1.3cm wide by ¼-inch/0.6cm thick)
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Two to three pieces(1-inch/2.5cm wide by ¼-inch/0.6cm thick)
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Five to six pieces(1-inch/2.5cm wide by ¼-inch/0.6cm thick)
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A small handful of pieces(1-inch/2.5cm wide by ¼-inch/0.6cm thick)
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A handful of pieces(1-inch/2.5cm wide by ¼-inch/0.6cm thick)

Can Dogs Eat Raw Celery?

Yes, dogs can eat raw celery, but only in a small amount. Celery is firm to chew down into smaller pieces and can be difficult for dogs to swallow and digest.

Otherwise, it can lead to choking hazards or even intestinal blockage.

Benefits of Bell Peppers for Dogs

Vitamin C boost: Bell peppers are a rich source of vitamin C, promoting a strong immune system and overall health.

Eye health: The high levels of beta-carotene in bell peppers support good vision.

Skin health: Vitamins in bell peppers contribute to healthy skin and may reduce skin problems in dogs.

How Many Bell Peppers Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)No more than one or two small pieces(about a tablespoon)
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Less than ¼ of bell pepper
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)¼ of bell pepper
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)Half a bell pepper
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)¾ of bell pepper

Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs

Digestive aid: Pumpkin is famous for its digestive benefits, helping with both constipation and diarrhea in dogs.

Low calories, but nutritious: It’s low in calories and can help your dog feel full without adding excess weight.

Nutrient-rich: Pumpkin contains vitamins and minerals that support overall health, including zinc for a healthy coat.

How Much Pumpkin Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)Two to three teaspoons
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)One to two tablespoons
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Two to three tablespoons
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)Four to five tablespoons
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)¼ of cup

Can Pumpkin Upset a Dog’s Stomach?

Depending on the amount, pumpkin could upset a dog’s stomach. But as long as you follow the guidelines and don’t overdo it, pumpkin can help with diarrhea and constipation in your pup due to its high amount of soluble fiber.

Benefits of Cauliflower for Dogs

Cancer prevention: Cauliflower contains phytonutrients that may help prevent certain types of cancer.

Digestive support: The fiber content aids in digestion and helps maintain regular bowel movements.

Healthy cells: Antioxidants in cauliflower can help protect your dog’s cells from damage.

How Much Sweet Potatoes Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)One to two pieces(about half an inch/1.3 cm in size)
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)Up to three pieces
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)Four to six pieces
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)A handful of pieces
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)A large handful of pieces

Benefits of Cabbage for Dogs

Digestive health: Cabbage is high in fiber, aiding in proper digestion and can prevent constipation.

Low calories – high nutrition: It’s low in calories and can be a part of a weight management diet for dogs.

Vitamin K: Cabbage contains vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health.

How Much Cabbage Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)No more than a teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)One to two teaspoons
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)No more than a tablespoon
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)One to two tablespoons
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)¼ of cup

Is Cooked Cabbage OK For Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked cabbage. But remember to use only small amounts as an occasional treat.

Benefits of Brussels Sprouts for Dogs

Antioxidants source: It contains various antioxidants that combat free radicals and support overall health.

Aids in digestion: Brussels sprouts are another excellent example of a dietary fiber source, which can improve digestion for your furry friend, reducing the chance of constipation and diarrhea.

Low-calorie intake: If you’re doggo needs to watch their diet, you should consider including  Brussels sprouts, as it’s one of the vegetables with the lowest calories.

How Much Brussels Sprouts Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of Brussels sprouts
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)A teaspoon
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)No more than two teaspoons 
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)A tablespoon
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)No more than two tablespoons
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)¼ of cup or less

Benefits of Kale for Dogs

Nutrient-rich: Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that improve overall health.

Healthier joints and bones: It contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation and joint pain.

Liver support: The sulfur-containing compounds in kale aid in liver detoxification.

How Much Kale Can Dogs Eat Per Day?

Dog size/weightAmount of vegetable
Extra small dogs(less than 20lbs/9kg)A teaspoon or two
Small dogs(20lbs/9kg ~ 30lbs/14kg)One to two tablespoons
Average dogs(30lbs/14kg ~ 50lbs/23kg)About ¼ to half of cup
Large dogs(50lbs/23kg ~ 90lbs/41kg)Half a cup to one cup
Extra large(more than 90lbs/41k)Up to two cups

Vet Q&A

Are There Any Vegetables That Dogs Should Avoid Completely?

Yes. Onions and garlic are some of the most dangerous and toxic to dogs due to disulfides and thiosulfinates – toxins that can cause onion and garlic poisoning in dogs and lead to serious health problems.

Along with onions and garlic, you should also avoid feeding your pup avocados, chives, and leaks.

What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat Raw?

Dogs can eat raw vegetables like:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Sweet potatoes and potatoes
  • Sweetcorn

These are vegetables that don’t need cooking, boiling, or any kind of other preparation if you want to share them with your four-legged friend.

Vet Q&A

Can Dogs Survive On a Vegetable Diet?

No, dogs can’t survive on a vegetable diet exclusively. Dogs are omnivores, and their body requires both meat and plant products.

Do Dogs Need Vegetables Every Day?

No, dogs don’t need vegetables every day. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include vegetables in your pup’s diet. Vegetables can provide essential nutrients to your pup that they may not consume through other foods.

Which Is Better For Dogs: Pumpkin or Sweet Potato?

Both pumpkin and sweet potato have their health benefits for dogs. Pumpkin is smoother and easier for dogs with sensitive stomachs or teeth.

On the other hand, sweet potatoes are firmer and may help with plaque buildup. Sweet potatoes also pack more calories and nutrients, making them more suitable for grown dogs.

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